We successfully executed the construction of the Yongela Pan in Mwingi, Kitui County. This vital project, financed by the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation, aimed to address the persistent water shortage in the region.
The limited availability of water had been a significant constraint, negatively impacting crop production and livestock rearing, and leading to food insecurity.
The construction of the earth dam provided a sustainable solution to the water scarcity issue faced in the area. The dam has a reservoir capacity of 18,000m3 when at full capacity.
During the dam’s design, careful consideration was given to essential factors such as topography, upstream catchment flow, impermeable geological foundation, and suitable catchment area. These factors were crucial in ensuring a well-functioning dam with an appropriate and sufficient reservoir.
The constructed dam, which effectively impounds floodwater during the rainy seasons, has proven to be an invaluable asset to the community, benefiting 550 farmers and creating employment for 110 individuals through its construction works.